WhiteGoose Story - Picture Book

WhiteGoose Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 1, 2024 Effective Date: March 1, 2024

WhiteGoose app ("we") respects the privacy of our users ("user" or "you") and is committed to protecting your information, whether it is yours or your child's. We believe that you have the right to know our practices regarding the collection and use of information when you use our mobile application. Please read carefully.

Non-Personal Information

Camera, photo album, and microphone options will not be automatically enabled. Storage permissions will only be used when explicitly authorized to implement certain features.

The application obtains photo album permission through user authorization, but we do not collect any album information. The purpose of album permission is for users to import photos for doodling purposes.

Does Our Application Include Third-Party Analytics? If Yes, Please Provide Detailed Information About the Data Collected for This Purpose.
Yes, third-party advertisements and their partners may introduce third-party analytics to improve ad display effectiveness.

Does Our Application Include Third-Party Advertisements? What Is the Purpose of Collecting Information?
Yes, the application includes third-party advertisements, which usually collect unique user identifiers (such as advertising IDs), device information (such as device model, operating system version), etc., to improve advertising services and enhance user experience.

Will Data Be Shared with Any Third Parties? If Yes, Where Will This Information Be Stored?
Yes, third-party advertisements and their partners may share user data and share it with them to improve ad display effectiveness.

Personal Information Protection Measures

We have taken a series of security measures to protect your personal information. These measures include:

Identity Verification: Our app itself does not have any login function and does not need to authenticate users, so it cannot access personal information of anyone.

Data Encryption: Our app itself does not collect any user information, so there is no unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Access Control: Our app itself does not collect any user information, so there is no one who can access your personal information.

Prevention of Malicious Code: We use the latest security technology and programs to prevent the intrusion of malicious code.

Security Audit: We conduct regular security audits to ensure the effectiveness of our information protection measures.

Privacy Policy Modification

We may modify the privacy terms at any time and reserve the right to interpret the final terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Please send an email to: [email protected]

The above privacy policy complies with the requirements of "GB/T35273-2020 Information Security Technology Personal Information Security Specification" and the "Announcement on Carrying Out Special Governance of Illegal Collection and Use of Personal Information in Apps".

Contact Information

X: ichenlidong

Email: [email protected]

Office Web: WhiteGooseStory.com